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Notes Website Setup

These notes are powered by Astro, Starlight, and the Starlight Obsidian plugin. The website is hosted for free on Vercel.

To build a website just like this, check out: Starlight Obsidian’s Getting Started documentation.

See the plugin list. Some highlights:

You can replace the default landing page of the notes website (at the root /) with a note, as I have done.

  1. Change src/content/docs/index.mdx to src/content/docs/ (.mdx to .md).
  2. Then adjust the front matter of that file as shown below (set template: doc).
title: Introduction
template: doc
Welcome! 👋
The rest of your note here...

You can display and track the date on which a note was last updated. This uses markdown front matter.

  1. Set the Starlight property lastUpdated to true.
  2. Set the Starlight Obsidian property copyFrontmatter to 'starlight'.
  3. Now in your notes
    1. Adjust the lastUpdated property in the note’s front matter manually;
    2. Or, use an Obsidian plugin such as obsidian-frontmatter-modified-date to automatically update this property as your edit your notes (src). Configure this plugin to set the lastUpdated property and use the following date format YYYY-MM-DD.

For callouts (warnings, info blocks) see Markdown#Callouts.

Set the Starlight Obsidian property autoLinkHeadings to true.

Adjust the website’s theme with custom CSS styles. There is a live editor.

Source. Note that site search is built-in under Cmd + K.